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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Looking for a house - part one

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My husband and I are looking for a house. We are currently renting and it's getting old. We need a bigger place, a place of our own. Since house prices are so low right now it's the perfect time for us to buy. The only problem is finding the right house and mostly finding the right area.

In our church we have what we call wards, basically the group of people we go to church with every week. The ward we are in depends on the location of our home. Make sense?

Right now we are in a really great ward. We have grown to love the people in our ward and have made many friends. So of course we would like to stay in our ward and have been looking for houses within the ward boundaries.

Here comes the problem - there are very few areas within our ward boundariesthat we would consider living in (there is a lot of crime here in Orlando). This makes house hunting HARD!

So hard that we are starting to consider moving outside our ward. There are a few places closer to my husband's work that look nice, plus it would mean less travel for him (his round-trip commute is currently 2 hour) which would be nice.

But we would have to go to a new ward. New people to get to know. New friends to make. What if we don't like any of the new people? Is it worth the risk??

So I ask, what would you do? Should we stick to only houses we can find in our ward or should we look closer to Hub's work???


  1. So glad you stopped by my blog today! You really are in a pickle, aren't you? Trying to find the right house is almost as difficult as trying to sell one...which I happen to know A LOT about!:) Personally, I think you should expand your horizons just a bit and consider stepping out of your comfort zone. I know it's hard, but it may work out much better than you anticipated!

  2. In this market, I would look anywhere you can find something!

  3. Hi there, I'm new to your blog - hopped over from South of Sheridan's post:


    Anyway, is it possible to meet with people from prospective wards, prior to going house shopping there? When my husband and I were looking for a house, we put in several offers before having one accepted, and then the escrow process takes at least a month - there would likely be plenty of time to meet up with some new people before setting pen to paper on a new place.

    Good luck! :)

  4. I would consider looking outside the ward, you never know what you could find. I would just be very thorough in your investigations. They are so many variables in finding the perfect home and a lot of them don't even involved the actual physical House.

    Good Luck

  5. I would definitely be open to looking outside your ward. There is the possibility that you'll meet some new people that you'll connect with and as well, you can still keep in touch outside of church with those in you current ward who you feel close to.

  6. I just can't imagine that your new ward won't be full of great people too. Good luck!

  7. I'd say go for a house closer to your husband's job. Less travel for him means more time at home with you! Plus, meeting new friends is fun!

  8. I'm with Heather. In a huge market like ours I'd def. look outside the ward.
    Good luck.

    Betty :)

    P.S. Thanks so much for visiting my site.

  9. Dropping by to say hi and have a great weekend!

  10. Good luck finding a house.

    I'd try to find one by your husband's work.

  11. That is a really hard decision! I would say it depends how long you play to stay in this house. Best wishes to you!
