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Thursday, June 21, 2012

My sister is here, still

My sister has been living with Hubs and I for the past three weeks. Besides our move, it's been the best three weeks I've had all year!! We've basically been doing the same things we always do. For example:
  • I've still been working; answering email, designing, installing. All that fun stuff is still taking place.
  • Hubs has been working too. We still have bills and someone's got to pay them.
  • When Hubs comes home we still have dinner (however, cooking is easier and funner with Sister around, meals have been turning out better and she even helps out with the clean-up).
  • After dinner we all watch a movie or Hubs plays x-box while Sister and I watch Gilmore Girls (just like before but with one more person and one more pillow).
  • Since we only have one functioning car, we still limit our outing to Saturday. Shopping, grocery and otherwise, takes place on Saturday just like it always does. Eating out still happens on Saturday too (last week it was Red Robin - YUMMM!).
  • We still go to Church on Sunday. Same time and place and everything.
  • We even act and talk exactly the same when Sister is around. We aren't ashamed or embarrassed to be our silly selves (usually because Sister is being silly right along with us).
Nothing too exciting but just having her here is great. It's a bit scary how similar my sister and I are. She's good with slow and simple and lazy and boring. She fits right in to our lives, practically seamlessly.

I do miss Hubs more however. Even though we spend almost the exact same amount of time together it's not quite the same without it being just us two. I'm assuming that's how it's going to be when we have kids. Those of you with kids, if you have an answer, thought or opinion on that one feel free to share.

My sister is still here and I'm so HAPPY!!


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